The Cocker spaniel has a sweet disposition and tend to be very intelligent and very easy to train. Training using positive reinforcement and encouragement are the best methods for Cocker spaniels.
Cocker spaniels love quite a bit of exercise but also love to lounge around with their humans.
Grooming is a big part of looking after a cocker spaniel, some need to visit the groomers 4 times a year, some for an all over trim, some just ears and legs. Brushing regularly is a must as they do tend to shed.
Cockers tend to get on with everyone of any age and any animals which can make them the best family pets.
These come in 2 types: show type and working type.
They come in a variety of solid colours Gold, Chocolate, Black, chocolate/tan, black/tan, Roans with or without tan, tri-colours and sable(not recognised by the Kennel Club)